Tuesday 1 May 2012


Zuccotto derived from woman's weekly and adjusted by Sophie


20cm round sponge layer
2 tablespoons brandy
2 tablespoons orange liqueur
60g slivered almonds
60g whole blanched roasted hazelnuts
90g dark chocolate (60g melted) (30g chopped)
300ml un-thickened cream ¼ cup icing sugar


Cut cake in slices 1cm thick, cut into triangles and arrange in dish so the point is at the bottom
Roast nuts in the oven at 180 until slightly coloured-> cool
Combine brandy and liqueur, brush one side cake dome with mixture
Chop almonds and hazelnuts roughly, whip cream and icing sugar to stiff peaks
Fold nuts into cream mixture , divide mixture in half fold melted choc through one half and chopped choc through other half
Spread white cream mixture over cake and pour choc mixture in centre
Moisten leftover cake with liqueur mixture, create a lid for cake
Refrigerate overnight
Turn out and dust with cocoa

Total cook time: 4 hours
Sophies reveiw: this is such a delicious recipe. The sponginess of the cake contrasted with the creamy filling works so well. The nuts added a really nice flavour. This would be perfect for a dessert cake. The original recipe called for whole almonds but i decided to use slivered almonds as they are a smaller cut.

Carls reveiw: It was a very nice dessert. Its the first time i have had it and I will be sure to try it again.

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