Tuesday 1 May 2012

Fettucine Carbonara

500ml cream
1 pkt fettucine
2 cloves garlic
1 lge onion
4 rashers bacon
salt and pepper

Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil
Meanwhile dice bacon and onion and place in a hot frying pan with minced garlic and olive oil
Cook until onions are golden brown
(by this point your water should be boiling. pour in the fettucine and stir for about a minute to avoid sticking)
Pour the cream into the onion and bacon mix and reduce until it starts to thicken slightly
Season and sprinkle with as much parmesan as you like

stir together the pasta and sauce and..


Tradionally, fettucine carbonara has an egg yolk cracked into the end of the cooking process. This brought together the sauce and added more protein. But because ive thickened the cream it doesnt need the egg.

Sophies reveiw: This is my partners (Dailins) favourite pasta dish and it is so easy to make. The bacon, onion and garlic is such a classic mix and the cream just tops it off. As i mentioned above, you can add an egg yolk but i prefer not too. You can also sprinkle with fresh parsley as it cuts out the the richness but still complements the flavours

Dailins reveiw: The pasta was well cooked and the sauce was beautiful. All together beautiful flavours.

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